A few months ago a high-tech firm called on a Monday morning in a panic. Their server room had two inches of water under the computer room floor. Within an hour, our Technicians had removed the water and started the drying process using dehumidifiers and air movers.
What we later learned from the IT staff, the water had leaked into the server room on Saturday evening, although Maintenance Staff had fixed the leaking pipe, they could not gain access to the server room and did not have any contact information for anyone from the company to inform them of the water damage. Not having an emergency contact number the water stayed inside the computer room for a day and a half, thus increasing the chance of irreparable damage. Thankfully the firm’s computer network stayed operational and no information was lost.
Puritan’s advice is: Have a disaster plan in place before the inevitable happens. There is a free service ( Ready Rating Program) offered by the American Red Cross that assists businesses to prepare for a disaster. This Program is designed to help businesses prepare for any type of emergency, from disease outbreaks to natural disasters. The program is free but membership is required. After joining, you’ll take an online assessment to determine your baseline ability to react to disasters. Then it will assist you in developing an emergency plan.
Don’t be caught like our high tech customer mentioned above, Always Be Prepared!